About ISBS

The International Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics (ISBS) is a globally recognized non-profit statistical organization registered in the United States. Its primary mission is to host biannual symposiums that serve as an international platform for statisticians worldwide to share knowledge, exchange experiences, discuss research findings, and address challenges. Additionally, ISBS aims to enhance and promote the global unification and standardization of statistical practices in the biopharmaceutical industry.

Since its establishment in 2007, ISBS has hosted seven symposiums, along with numerous virtual short courses and seminars. It has also sponsored various statistical conferences organized by other professional organizations. Currently, ISBS is organizing the 13th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP-2025) and a series of seminars.

The ISBS website is in the process of being migrated to a new hosting platform and will be relaunched soon.